In life, we all go through seasons of challenges that may seem insurmountable. Although it’s natural for one to feel discouraged in times of uncertainty, It’s important that you don’t allow the obstacles in life to diminish your hopes and dreams.

The truth is where there is a will, there is a way.

I’ve compiled a list of eight effective ways to stay motivated and in tough times. Hopefully, these strategies can help get you in the right mental state to accomplish your goals.

Whenever you feel like giving up, remember these ten simple steps to get you back on track and focused.

1. Draw motivation from inspirational autobiographies.

Knowing that mega-successful people came from difficult situations will motivate you to carry on. (Stories like Sylvester Stallone, Soichiro Honda are inspiring).

2. Paste positive inspirational quotes on your wall Click here

Read up inspiring quotes that deal with topics like “never giving up”. (Place the quotes on your wall, phone, notebook – anything to remind you to keep going).

3. If it was easy every one would be super successful 

Whenever times are challenging, remind yourself that if success was easy, everyone would be successful.

4. You are blessed to be alive

Realizing that you are fortunate to be alive and healthy, reminds you of the resources that you often take for granted. Got two legs? Two arms? Eyes? A mouth? Get on with it, then.

5. Indulge in a serious brainstorm session

Brainstorming new ways to reach your end goals will reawaken your desire by finding alternative solutions to keep going.

6. Strengthen your faith

A lack of patience is a massive energy killer. Remind yourself that success takes time to show up, but it will show up. Just have more faith that it will all work out for you like it has for millions of other people.

7. Grab a coffee

Taking a journey to the coffee shop to reflect and stimulate your mind with soothing drink can get your focus back.

8. Take a short nap

Taking short naps during the day is a great remedy for a tired mind. Famous leaders like Richard Branson and the late, Margaret Thatcher have known to practise this exercise.

Deji OK

Posted by Deji OK

Public relations consultant.


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